서울대학교 행정대학원 

고길곤 교수 

공공데이터 연구실


Welcome to the world of Data Analytics for the Public! 

This website is dedicated by Professor Kilkon Ko and his lab members.


KoLab Research Areas

Kolab SNU ultimately aims to develop a data analysis system for evidence-based policy research. For a evidence-based policy, good use of evidence is needed along with the production of good evidence. In order to make good use of evidence, the necessary evidence for administrative problems must be used, and the evidence should not fall into the trap of extreme positivism that evidence defines administrative problems. Therefore, the evidence-based policy needs to be formulated as a sequential process of defining and diagnosing the problems that we encounter,  and then analyzing the selected indicators in an appropriate way and interpreting and sharing the results of analysis. 

Data Analysis & Visualization

Machine Learning

Risk Management


KoLAB News / Events 

Corona Talk Series from SNU Responds to COVID-19

SNU COVID-19 Country Report Symposium

ASPA COVID-19 webinar

KoLAB in Media

Check out the latest interview of KoLab 

Partners of KoLab

Who's next? The door is open to anyone who is eager to dig-in!