서울대학교 행정대학원
고길곤 교수
공공데이터 연구실
Welcome to the world of Data Analytics for the Public!
This website is dedicated by Professor Kilkon Ko and his lab members.
김경동 박사가 2023년 한국행정학회 우수 박사 논문상 수상
Jaeyoon Kim (Alumni) is selected as a recipient of the award of Korea Law & Economics Association.
Bum Kim (Ph.D student) is selected as a recipient of the 2021 best paper award of Korea Welfare Panel Study.
■ KoLab Research Areas
Kolab SNU ultimately aims to develop a data analysis system for evidence-based policy research. For a evidence-based policy, good use of evidence is needed along with the production of good evidence. In order to make good use of evidence, the necessary evidence for administrative problems must be used, and the evidence should not fall into the trap of extreme positivism that evidence defines administrative problems. Therefore, the evidence-based policy needs to be formulated as a sequential process of defining and diagnosing the problems that we encounter, and then analyzing the selected indicators in an appropriate way and interpreting and sharing the results of analysis.
Data Analysis & Visualization
Machine Learning
Risk Management
■ KoLAB News / Events
Corona Talk Series from SNU Responds to COVID-19
Date: Aug 24, 2020
ARIC director, Kilkon Ko presented 'Things that go against common sense: strategies for Post-COVID-19 Era' in the Corona-Talk Series @ SNU Responds to COVID-19.
SNU COVID-19 Country Report Symposium
Date: June 23, 2020
ARIC director, Kilkon KO hosted a symposium to Share COVID-19 Experience and Response of Global Society. 10 teams from various countries were rewarded and had opportunity to present their research.
ASPA COVID-19 webinar
Date: June 22nd, 2020
ARIC director, Kilkon KO and his colleagues discussed the importance of the risk cognition at ASPA special webinar.